Search resules for: Tilapia
China Tilapia2018/10/12 11:08China Tilapia
China Tilapia – A Commercially Viable Fish
China is by far the biggest producer of Tilapia Fish. Tilapia is a warm, freshwater fish belonging to the Cichlid family. The taste is mild with a sweet flavor, the meat being white, lean and flaky. Chinese Tilapia has a high protein content and it is low in fat. The fish generally grows to 1-1.5 pounds.
This fish has a deep body, large scales, concave head and large jaws. There are spines on dorsal and anal fins. Tilapia fish is found in streams, canals, lakes, ponds and estuaries.
Tilapia are not carnivorous. They eat algae and plants. Tilapia is low on the food chain and since they are not carnivorous they do not have toxins in their bodies. Hence it is a healthier food for humans.
Commercially Tilapia is very popular because it is tasty. China's Tilapia has a very big market in all parts of the world. Therefore this is a cash generating fish. Amyco Group sells it Whole Gutted or as Tilapia Fillets. We harvest it from China and Vietnam. We offer excellent quality of China Tilapia at very competitive rates.
How popular is tilapia fish?2018/10/12 10:59Tilapia are now farmed in dozens of countries (in ponds and tanks) and subjected to rigid quality-control standards. The result is a fish that combines a mild, consumer-friendly flavor with a hint of exotic appeal. How popular is tilapia? U.S. consumption of tilapia is now higher than that of trout.
Tilapia-Seafood Health Facts: Making Smart Choices2019/02/28 11:11Seafood Health Facts: Making Smart Choices
Balancing the Benefits and Risks of Seafood Consumption
Resources for Healthcare Providers and Consumers
China Tilapia Price Analysis » week 262019/07/03 10:18China Tilapia Price Analysis
The G20 summit: uncertainty remains for the Tilapia market2019/07/03 11:05After declaration of intents between president Trump and Xi Jinping, concern remains in the Tilapia Market.
The benefits of Tilapia and why the world needs it2019/07/03 11:48The benefits of Tilapia and why the world needs it
出口卷内销!订单少、价格下行、进料加工转移...水产出口遭困境转内销,内卷加剧还是带来新机遇?2023/07/05 11:37数据显示,今年1-5月,我国水产品出口总额同比下降约10.4%。据了解,目前水产品出口普遍面临订单少、价格下滑等困境。在此情况下,不少水产品出口企业开始更多向内销市场布局,转型将带来哪些机遇和挑战?
特立尼达和多巴哥的水产养殖部门正努力推动区域化趋势2018/04/29 20:21作为该地区经济强国之一的国家,特立尼达和多巴哥的水产养殖业一直处于下降趋势。
The war between Russia and Ukraine has spread to the global seafood industry!2022/03/03 00:00Since Russia sent troops to Ukraine on February 24, the global seafood industry situation has been constantly changing. Russia's position in the global seafood trade market and its strategy of inc...
China Tilapia prices are going up after the Chinese New Year holidays2022/03/08 00:00The following content is my subjective opinion, for reference only: Tilapia Fish prices are going up. When the Chinese New Year just passed, in fact, the general Tilapia fish price was around 5.15 yua...
冷冻罗非鱼鱼片深皮2022/10/24 12:35产品介绍:冷冻罗非鱼鱼片,深皮,无骨,正常修剪,IQF,上釉:5%、10%包装:IVP或1kg骑手袋/零售袋或散装纸箱包装,我们可以根据您的要求进行包装。主要尺寸:2-3oz,3-5oz,5-7oz,7-9oz。主要市场:美国、加拿大、欧盟、墨西哥、亚洲罗非鱼富含蛋白质,脂肪含量低。吃罗非鱼是保持健康的一种方...
中国罗非鱼网箱养殖100%安全健康2022/10/24 13:24产品介绍:罗非鱼鱼片,无皮或无皮,无骨,正常修剪,IQF上釉:10%、20%、30%、40%包装:IVP,零售袋包装或散装纸箱包装,我们可以根据您的要求进行包装。主要尺寸:2-3oz,3-5oz,5-7oz,7-9oz。主要市场:欧盟、英国、美国、墨西哥、加拿大、乌克兰、中东、东南亚、非洲等摘要:近几年来,罗非鱼因...
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水库养殖中国罗非鱼网箱2022/10/24 13:26产品介绍:罗非鱼鱼片,无皮或无皮,无骨,正常修剪,IQF上釉:10%、20%、30%、40%包装:IVP,零售袋包装或散装纸箱包装,我们可以根据您的要求进行包装。主要尺寸:2-3oz,3-5oz,5-7oz,7-9oz。主要市场:欧盟、英国、美国、墨西哥、加拿大、乌克兰、中东、东南亚、非洲等摘要:近几年来,罗非鱼因其...
罗非鱼整条2022/10/24 14:06产品介绍:黑罗非鱼整圆,新鲜冷冻,质量好,味道好,价格低尺寸:100-200g、200-300g、300-500g、500-800g、800g+; 上釉:5%、10%、20%包装:散装,10kg/箱主要市场:南非、非洲、中东罗非鱼富含蛋白质,脂肪含量低。吃罗非鱼是保持健康的一种方式。吃更多的罗非鱼比吃油炸、加...
冷冻罗非鱼片IVP2022/10/24 14:12产品介绍:冷冻罗非鱼片、去皮、去骨、正常修剪、IQF、IVP上釉:5%、10%包装:IVP或1kg骑手袋/零售袋或散装纸箱包装,我们可以根据您的要求进行包装。主要尺寸:2-3oz,3-5oz,5-7oz,7-9oz。主要市场:美国、加拿大、欧盟、墨西哥、亚洲罗非鱼富含蛋白质,脂肪含量低。...
调味罗非鱼更方便2022/10/24 15:10产品介绍:辣味罗非鱼主要市场:加拿大、新加坡、香港等罗非鱼富含蛋白质,脂肪含量低。吃罗非鱼是保持健康的一种方式。吃更多的罗非鱼比吃油炸、加工过的红肉更健康。Amyco Seafoods Group中国海鲜生产商/供应商自2006年以来,我们专注...
调味罗非鱼2022/10/24 15:14产品介绍:大蒜味罗非鱼主要市场:加拿大、新加坡、香港等罗非鱼富含蛋白质,脂肪含量低。吃罗非鱼是保持健康的一种方式。吃更多的罗非鱼比吃油炸、加工过的红肉更健康。Amyco Seafoods Group中国海鲜生产商/供应商自2006年以来,我们专...
Why the world needs Tilapia?2022/10/24 15:53The world as we know today homes more than 800 million chronic malnourished people. This is a serious issue, especially when human’s population doesn’t show any sign of decreasing, being p...
How popular is tilapia fish?2022/04/25 00:00Tilapia Once considered a lowly, muddy-tasting fish grown in Third World countries, tilapia are now farmed in dozens of countries (in ponds and tanks) and subjected to rigid quality-control standards....