- 罗非鱼从业者争论行业未来2018/04/29 20:20上个月,饲料巨头Skretting在埃及举行的一次会议上主持了全球罗非鱼行业的50个主要利益相关方的会议。召开这次会议讨论如何刺激产量增加......
- 冻罗非鱼片带皮2018/05/11 14:57罗非鱼片,带皮,无骨,精修,单冻,冰衣:10%,20%。包装:散装,可根据您的要求包装。主要尺寸:3-5盎司,5-7盎司,7-9盎司。主要市场:以色列
- 金鲳鱼2018/05/11 15:50金鲳鱼 Golden Pompano,原条,单冻, 网箱养殖,高质量,健康。由可靠和专业的冷冻鱼制造商/生产商/供应商生产。
- 冻红鲳鱼2018/05/11 15:58红鲳鱼 Red Pomfret / Pacu(colossoma brachypomum)原条,新鲜冷冻,高质量,好价钱,所有规格
- 冻带皮罗非鱼片2018/05/11 14:57罗非鱼片,带皮,无骨,精修,速冻,冰衣:10%,20%。包装:单片真空或者散装,可根据您的要求包装。主要尺寸:3-5盎司,5-7盎司,7-9盎司。主要市场:以色列
- China Tilapia2018/10/12 11:08China Tilapia
China Tilapia – A Commercially Viable Fish
China is by far the biggest producer of Tilapia Fish. Tilapia is a warm, freshwater fish belonging to the Cichlid family. The taste is mild with a sweet flavor, the meat being white, lean and flaky. Chinese Tilapia has a high protein content and it is low in fat. The fish generally grows to 1-1.5 pounds.
This fish has a deep body, large scales, concave head and large jaws. There are spines on dorsal and anal fins. Tilapia fish is found in streams, canals, lakes, ponds and estuaries.
Tilapia are not carnivorous. They eat algae and plants. Tilapia is low on the food chain and since they are not carnivorous they do not have toxins in their bodies. Hence it is a healthier food for humans.
Commercially Tilapia is very popular because it is tasty. China's Tilapia has a very big market in all parts of the world. Therefore this is a cash generating fish. Amyco Group sells it Whole Gutted or as Tilapia Fillets. We harvest it from China and Vietnam. We offer excellent quality of China Tilapia at very competitive rates.
- How popular is tilapia fish?2018/10/12 10:59Tilapia are now farmed in dozens of countries (in ponds and tanks) and subjected to rigid quality-control standards. The result is a fish that combines a mild, consumer-friendly flavor with a hint of exotic appeal. How popular is tilapia? U.S. consumption of tilapia is now higher than that of trout.
- Tilapia-Seafood Health Facts: Making Smart Choices2019/02/28 11:11Seafood Health Facts: Making Smart Choices
Balancing the Benefits and Risks of Seafood Consumption
Resources for Healthcare Providers and Consumers
- Shrimp-Seafood Health Facts: Making Smart Choices2019/03/01 17:55Seafood Health Facts: Making Smart Choices
Balancing the Benefits and Risks of Seafood Consumption
Resources for Healthcare Providers and Consumers
- China Tilapia Price Analysis » week 262019/07/03 10:18China Tilapia Price Analysis
- The G20 summit: uncertainty remains for the Tilapia market2019/07/03 11:05After declaration of intents between president Trump and Xi Jinping, concern remains in the Tilapia Market.
- The benefits of Tilapia and why the world needs it2019/07/03 11:48The benefits of Tilapia and why the world needs it
- 金色庞巴诺/庞弗雷特2018/05/11 15:50产品介绍:冷冻金色庞巴诺/庞弗雷特,全圆形,IQF,在死海的浮笼中养殖,高品质,健康,美味。由可靠和专业的冷冻鱼制造商/生产商/供应商/出口商/工厂生产IWP或IVP或散装包装90%N.W或95%N.W根据您的要求打包。你知道吗,心脏病每年夺去的生命比世界上任何其他...
- Frozen Red Pomfret Whole Round - 翻译中...2018/05/11 15:58Red Pomfret/Pacu (colossoma brachypomum )Whole Round, fresh frozen, high quality, good price. All sizes.
- Red Pomfret Whole Round - 翻译中...2018/05/11 15:58Red Pomfret/Pacu (colossoma brachypomum )Whole Round, fresh frozen, high quality, good price. All sizes.
- 6 Simple, Delicious Ways to Cook Fish2022/09/09 00:00The American Heart Association recommends eating two servings of fish each week.1 This is because fish is high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids while being low in saturated fat. Eating fish can also...
- 金蓬帕诺100%新鲜2018/05/11 15:50金色蓬帕诺,全圆形或内脏,IQF,在deap海的浮笼中养殖,高品质产品介绍:冷冻黄金庞巴诺,全圆形,IQF,在死海的浮笼中养殖,高品质,健康,美味。由可靠和专业的冷冻鱼制造商/生产商/供应商/出口商/工厂生产IWP或IVP或散装包装90%N.W或95%N.W根据您的要求打包。你知道吗,心脏病...
- Golden Pompano 100%安全2018/05/11 15:50产品介绍:冷冻黄金庞巴诺,全圆形,IQF,在死海的浮笼中养殖,高品质,健康,美味。由可靠和专业的冷冻鱼制造商/生产商/供应商/出口商/工厂生产IWP或IVP或散装包装80%西北、90%西北或95%西北根据您的要求打包。你知道吗,心脏病每年夺去的生命比世界上任何其...
- 虾颜色等级2022/10/24 12:42虾色等级产品介绍:冷冻凡纳米虾、熟的、无头、去壳、带尾、CPDTO高品质,口味好所有尺寸散装或1kg零售袋,我们可以根据您的要求包装。南美白虾拉丁文名称:凡纳滨对虾,原名凡纳对虾原产地:中国捕鱼方法:养殖收获季节:6月至11月,8月达到高峰加工产品全年供应...
- 出口卷内销!订单少、价格下行、进料加工转移...水产出口遭困境转内销,内卷加剧还是带来新机遇?2023/07/05 11:37数据显示,今年1-5月,我国水产品出口总额同比下降约10.4%。据了解,目前水产品出口普遍面临订单少、价格下滑等困境。在此情况下,不少水产品出口企业开始更多向内销市场布局,转型将带来哪些机遇和挑战?