Search resules for: Golden Pompano
Golden Pompano 100%安全2018/05/11 15:50产品介绍:冷冻黄金庞巴诺,全圆形,IQF,在死海的浮笼中养殖,高品质,健康,美味。由可靠和专业的冷冻鱼制造商/生产商/供应商/出口商/工厂生产IWP或IVP或散装包装80%西北、90%西北或95%西北根据您的要求打包。你知道吗,心脏病每年夺去的生命比世界上任何其...
Frozen Golden Pompano WR - 翻译中...2018/05/11 15:55Frozen Golden Pompano, Whole Round, IQF, farmed in floating cages in deep sea. Produced by reliable and professional frozen fish manufacturer/producer/supplier/exporter/factory.
Golden Pompano Whole Round - 翻译中...2022/10/24 13:59Product Introduction:Frozen Golden Pompano/Pomfret, Whole Round, Fresh Frozen, IQF, farmed in floating cages in deap sea, high quality, healthy and good taste.Produced by reliable and professional fro...
Frozen Golden Pompano/Pomfret WR - 翻译中...2022/10/24 15:13Product Introduction:Frozen Golden Pompano/Pomfret, Whole Round, IQF, farmed in floating cages in deap sea, high quality, healthy and good taste.Size: 200-300G, 300-400G, 400-500G, 500-600G, 600-800G,...
Golden Pomfret WR hot sale - 翻译中...2022/10/25 09:29Product Introduction:Frozen Golden Pompano/Pomfret, Whole Round, IQF, farmed in floating cages in deap sea, high quality, healthy and good taste.Produced by reliable and professional frozen fish manuf...
What makes the Pompano so Special?2022/10/25 11:01The whole world is talking about the delicious, versatile and aromatic fish that many chefs cannot seem to get enough of on their kitchens. These are the mighty Pompanos of warm waters that people prefer to have on their plate.
If you are one of those people who is wondering what does #Pompano #Fish taste like? We have some valuable information for you in this article, read on!